Desde Guatemala

Dallin Davis' Mission Experience

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ready to roll

Mom's focused q's:

What will you be doing your last week before transfers?
How did your baptisms go? and what are their names?
Have you been to any Christmas parties yet?
Tell me how your eating situation is set up? you have a lady that cooks for you? Does she do every meal? Is she the one that does eggs all the time? or is that something quick you guys always do? Do you get to go to members homes? Have you had anything weird yet?

Great to hear from the Family. Dad just reminde me that Angela will be baptised in the next few months Maybe that can change here a little bit. Yep ammon is still ammon great to here that they are still going strong with the piano lessons. Eric too he sounds like not too much trouble lately. It is wierd to think that Kenyon will be 18 VERY soon. But that is awesome I gwet more and more anxious to see where the Lord wants him to go. This week we just got done with basocally a two day activity which was very spiritual. We went to the temple and watched the movie 17 miracles. Besides that noything much going on here for Christman just work. A righ out of time I love you Mom I know that Christ lives. This Gospel is true And I will right to you next week.

Cheesecake update for Dad:
haha yeah the cheese cake wil come a flowing especially in these next few weeks. Yeah I have basically been telling all of our investigators and members that I am leaving. That is great you are inviting your friend to the concert those activities really work because when someone feels more comfortable and familiar they are more receptive and then the missionaries just finish the job. It really can be placed in a football analogy the linemen are the members making the friendships and really starting everything going. Then comes the running backs who get mostly all the credit(missionaries) haha yeah its a team but we literally cant do anything without the members help. WOW Angela is getting baptised that is soooo great I kind of forgot. But man that is great news. We are doing great overhere. We baptised a family this last week of five that was soo great. The Lord blesses us with a lot of things including this family. He also gives us trials to show us how to be humble and show our faith I am very greatfull for those oportunities.I had a chance to talk with President Brough a few times in these last few weeks and he says the Lord has A lot in store for me. I know this only comes for your example and that of Mom´s. Thankyou for that and all that I have Yeah maybe we dont have everthing but the times I remember and that last are just when we get to talk or hang out. Love you Dad and I will talk to you next week

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