Desde Guatemala

Dallin Davis' Mission Experience

Thursday, June 16, 2011


So here are your questions for this week: (From Momma Davis)

What day do they celebrate Father's Day in Guatemala? Is it a set date or does it change like we do it here?

What's the weather like?

So how was it having some extra responsibilities at the CCM?

How often do new missionaries come in? Weekly?

Tell me what was your best experience this week?

Tell me about your Mission President? What is he like?

Tell me about your companion now? Are you getting along?

When do you leave to go out to the mission field? Are you nervous?

So, can you send pictures? Take lots of pictures as you are out on your mission. We want to see where you are going and what your companions look like. And it's just so much fun to recieve pictures, I feel that we are more connected that way, so don't forget to do that.

I have no Idea about Fathers day down here no one has mentioned it So I guess We will see. The weatheris great a little humid but the temp is nice and I am used to the humidity. Right now it is supposed to be the rainy season but its mostly just cloudy all not quite overcast just huge clouds. It is really hard to all the responsibilties ande get missionary stuff done because the teqachers really hound you, but it is for our benefit. Misionaries come in every three weeks so we got to know the last group they left and now we are starting to know the new group. This week my best experience was our copmpanionship inventory. It was awesome its not like we werent getting along but we werent being the best copmpanionship as we could. So after it was good.We always get along and always resolve conflicts. i dont know my mission president but the CCM pres. is awesome being his assistants we really get to know him. Pres Steimle. is his name I Think i leqave in two weeks and I am so excited. I take alot of pictures but i dont think there is any way to send tem here When I am in the field I will just send my SD card home and buy a new one. I love you mom and am thankful for your example in my life. I dont think I told you enough when I was home.

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